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Book Details
- Days and Flowers of Myanmar
Junior Win
- Type: English Books
- No of Pages: 60
- Binding: Paperback
- Publication Month Year: Oct-2013
- Size: 12 cm x 18 cm
- Description: About the Burmese traditional Thingyan Pot which is still alive and used as a welcomed symbol of Burmese
New Year when Thingyan Fesitival comes in April. Burmese Thingyan Pot also welcomes Tha-Gyar-Min;
King of the celestial who comes and visits to human abode during Thingyan festival. I tried to explain about
the Thingyan Pot in detail, and how important seven-day-born means to Burmese people. You may see that
seven-day-born represents not only to Thingyan Pot, but also to the Buddhists way of life. From reading,
you will have the knowledge of Burmese Days and Flowers which is not only for Burmese people but also for
all the people around the world, who will become interested to make your own ‘Thingyan Pot’. Please read pdf file for more details.
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